King Charles kicks off damage control amid threats from Harry, Meghan

King Charles and the Royal Family are in damage control mode after Prince Harry, Meghan's latest moves

By Web Desk | May 24, 2024
King Charles kicks off damage control amid threats from Harry, Meghan
King Charles and the Royal Family are in damage control mode after Prince Harry, Meghan's latest moves

King Charles and the Royal Family in general is in ‘intense’ damage control mode as Prince Harry and Meghan Markle pose problems for the firm after their successful tour of Nigeria, an expert has claimed.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are reportedly planning more tour in the future after the resounding success of their trip to Nigeria, and as per royal author Tom Quinn, the Royals are now worried.

Talking to Mirror UK, Quinn said: “So far as many world leaders are concerned, Harry is and always will be a member of the Royal Family. Believing their trip to Nigeria was a huge success, Meghan and Harry are already planning future trips.”

He then added: “Intense damage limitation discussions are taking place at Kensington Palace and Clarence House, but until and unless Kate and King Charles recover fully, the senior Royals accept that for now they are going to be overshadowed.”

This comes amid recent reports that following Prince Harry and Meghan’s Nigeria trip, they may be invited to Ghana soon, with insiders claiming that influential Ghanaians want the Sussexes to come to Accra, Ghana, soon.

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