Queen Elizabeth made final balcony appearance on King Charles’ insistence

King Charles had ‘urgently called’ Queen Elizabeth to come

By Web Desk | June 02, 2024

Queen Elizabeth II’s last balcony appearance for Trooping the Colour almost didn’t happen.

It was only a quick final moment call from King Charles that made her gather strength for joining Prince William and Kate Middleton to wave at the overjoyed crowd of fans.

According to Daily Mail, the late Monarch wasn’t feeling well on the day, and so had chosen to skip seeing the Royal Army put on a show.

But after King Charles noted the extraordinary number of admirers who had turned up to greet the then-Queen, he dialed her number and insisted that she comes.

A source reported, “Queen Elizabeth only decided that she would go to London about three hours before the balcony appearance. She was not feeling brilliant.”

“The Prince of Wales called her and told her she really ought to come if she could. He told her there were so many people desperate to see her and he eventually convinced her,” they added.

The appearance itself turned out to be quite a sentimental one with the late Monarch being “humbed and deeply touched” by so many people celebrating her 70-year reign.

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