Kate Winslet reminisces ‘Titanic’ intimate scene with Leonardo DiCaprio

Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio's ‘Titanic’ earned 2.264 billion USD globally

By Web Desk | June 13, 2024
Kate Winslet reminisces ‘Titanic’ intimate scene with Leonardo DiCaprio
Kate Winslet reminisces ‘Titanic’ intimate scene with Leonardo DiCaprio

Kate Winslet has taken a trip down the memory lane of her shooting days in Titanic with Leonardo DiCaprio.

The Oscar-winning actress shared the details behind a “messy” scene with her co-star during a discussion with Vanity Fair on Wednesday.

“My god, he’s quite the romancer, isn’t he? No wonder every young girl in the world wanted to be kissed by Leonardo DiCaprio,” Kate quipped. “It was not all it’s cracked up to be.”

The Reader star explained that whenever they would shoot an intimate scene her “pale makeup” would get on Leonardo’s face. The duo has to do their “makeup checks” during the takes.

“I would end up looking as though I’d been sucking a caramel chocolate bar after each take because his makeup would come off on me,” she continued, “Oh God, it was such a mess.”

Recalling the long hours of shoots and moving from one place to another for filming, Kate confessed it was a “nightmare” for her.

She shared her hectic experience, “Leo couldn’t stop laughing, and we had to reshoot this about four times because [director James Cameron] wanted a very specific light for this, obviously, and the sunsets kept changing where we were.”

Kate starred as Rose DeWitt and Lenardo starred as Jack Dawson in the blockbuster movie, Titanic.

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