Dirilis: Ertugrul: Loyalty, love, bravery and the women of Kayi tribe

The women of the Kayi clan bore many roles of responsibility, as and when required they became the backbone of the tribe

Women of Kayi tribe: Example of loyalty, love, and bravery

From watching Dirilis: Ertugrul and Kurulus: Osman, the strong characteristics displayed by the women of the Kayi tribe can be role-modeled by women around the world.

The women of the Kayi clan bore many roles of responsibility, as and when required they became the backbone of the tribe, a source of support for their husbands and fathers, and protectors and nurturers of their children; it was their fearlessness that brought into existence warriors who are remembered till today in the annals of history.

The women worked hard by day and supported the trade; they prepared food, were skilled in concocting healing ointments. While they knitted the knots in the carpets, their skilful fingers also wove the fabric of the society/ tribe into one cohesive body. Their strength reflected in the men whom they supported.

They worked shoulder to shoulder with the men, both in peace and war. Many were well-versed in the art of the bow and arrow, horse riding and sword fighting.

Esra Bilgic aka Halime Sultan was the light of Ertugrul’s tent, his first love, the mother of 3 sons, Gunduz, Savci and Osman. She belonged to the noble Seljuk lineage. Many times, her special judgement saved the tribe from falling prey to betrayal. She was her husband’s support, and patiently bore hunger, migration and separation.

The mother of the Kayi clan, Hayme Hatun, a strong lady, who after her husband Sulaiman Shah’s death, took hold of the reins of the tribe. She led her people with a mix of gentle motherliness, and a strong need to follow justice.

Aslihan was the leader of Cavdar Clan, a strong woman who unflinchingly led her tribe after her father’s and brother’s death.