Affan Waheed and Sidra Niazi dating?

Affan Waheed's latest outing with Sidra Niazi sparks much interest

Affan Waheed and Sidra Niazi dating?
Affan Waheed and Sidra Niazi dating? 

Actor Affan Waheed, whose love life is always a point of intrigue for fans, is reportedly making headlines with a some rumors. 

It has been speculated that Affan is seeing reporter cum actress Sidra Niazi. 

Both of the stars were recently spotted in London and also posted some pictures which mad people think that something might be brewing between the two. 

Waheed appeared on The Talk Talk Show by Hassan Chaudhry where he was asked if he is dating Sidra Niazi and he clarified why they were spotted together.

To this, he responded, " I often go to London to meet my little nephew and it was just a coincidence that Sidra was also visiting at the same time so we just met and took some pictures together." 

He also shared, " Sidra is actually an old family friend of ours and we both knew each other years before showbiz." 

However, Waheed's answer did not come out as satisfactory and the public is still confused. 

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