UK activists use baby slings to protest against ‘worst in Europe’ paternity leave

‘Dad Shift’ activists are demanding better paternal leaves for the UK fathers

‘Dad Shift’ activists are demanding better paternal leaves for the UK fathers
‘Dad Shift’ activists are demanding better paternal leaves for the UK fathers  

Campaigners in the UK find an unusual way to protest against the worst in continent paternal leaves.

According to The Guardian, UK paternal leave options for fathers are the ‘least generous’ in Europe.

In the wake of no paternal leaves for fathers in the UK, a new campaign group of activists, the Dad Shift, is campaigning for better leaves for fathers.

Mean campaigners have tied baby slings to the bronze statues of the men across central London, demanding the government improve leave options.

The activist tied life-sized model babies to the statue of actors Laurence Olivier, footballers Thierry Henry and Tony Adams, and engineer Isambard Kingdom Brunel.

Moreover, a new research report revealed that 1 in 3 fathers in the UK did not take paternity leaves, whereas one in two fathers who took leave experienced financial issues later.

The campaigners will also deliver an open letter to Prime Minister Kier Starmer this month to demand quick action on the issue.

The open letter says, “Proper parental leave for fathers and co-parents is good for mothers, good for babies, good for fathers, and good for society too.”

It further says, “Countries with six or more weeks’ paternity leave have a gender pay gap that’s 4% smaller and a workforce participation gap that is 3.7% smaller too, meaning change can help grow the economy while helping British families.”

The campaigners said they are asking for the paternal leaves, which are ‘affordable for the parents.

To note, the Labour Party in its manifesto vowed to ‘review the parental leave system’ in the first year of its government.